Goalie-Proof Your Shots: 6 Strategies for Scoring More

Goalie-Proof Your Shots: 6 Strategies for Scoring More

Lacrosse is a fast and exciting sport, and scoring against a goalie is one of the most thrilling moments in the game. But it can also be difficult going up against this last line of defense for the other team. In this article, we'll dive into some tips and strategies to help you score more effectively against a goalie in lacrosse.

Go for low off-stick side shots

    Shooting low is one of the most effective ways to score against a goalie. A low off-stick side shot has a better chance of making it into the net because it's harder for the goalie to make a save. Make sure to go for a bouncer, or aim for just next to the post. This gives the goalie less time to react and make a save.

    Fake them out

      Faking out the goalie is an excellent way to get them off balance and create an opening to score. When you fake a shot, the goalie will react to your movement, giving you an opportunity to deke or shoot the ball in a different direction. If you're interested in the types of fakes you can do, check out this article on fakes. Practice your fakes during practice so you can execute them more effectively during a game.

      Use surprise to your advantage

        Surprising the goalie is another effective strategy for scoring. Be unpredictable in your movements and try to catch the goalie off guard. For example, try looking for high to low, low to high shots or pass the ball to a teammate who's in an unexpected position. The element of surprise can make it difficult for the goalie to anticipate your next move, and give you progressively more of an advantage each time you have the ball and make a different play.

        Take advantage of the shot clock

          Shotclocks are a significant part of scoring in lacrosse. Running the clock allows for your opponent's defense to make a mistake. This gives you an opportunity to assess the severity of their mistakes while your teammates try and cause chaos (see Section 5) that you can then take advantage of. Make sure you position yourself at an angle that allows you to see the net and all/most of your offensive teammates.

          Create chaos in front of the net

            Creating chaos in front of the net when you don't have the ball is another effective way to score. When there are multiple players in front of the net, it's harder for the goalie to see the ball and make a save. By creating chaos in front of the net, you increase your teams chance of a shot making it into the back of the net.

            Work on your accuracy

              Last but not least, one of the best ways to score against a goalie is to work on your accuracy. The more accurate your shots are, the better your chances of scoring. Practice shooting at TIR Targets when you go out to practice. Place them in the corners or lower left/lower right sections of the net. This will help you develop the muscle memory and precision needed to score against even the toughest goalies.

              Scoring against a goalie is a challenging but rewarding accomplishment and the more you try, the more comfortable you'll be. By using the tips and strategies we've covered, you can improve your chances of scoring and help your team win. Remember to stay focused, be creative, and keep the element of surprise on your side. Good luck, and have fun out there!

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