When I first started playing lacrosse back in 9th grade, I'd spend all day after school throwing a lacrosse ball against our old rickety shed in the back yard. I remember the red shed, sun bleached, and spotted from my white lacrosse ball hitting it over and over again slowly stealing the paint away to turn my ball pink. small chunks of wood were falling off on the edges where the ball had hit. I'd be out there every day and turn the flood lights on in the backyard so I could keep going past sundown. I'm sure our neighbors didn't appreciate the sound, but I didn't think twice - I just kept playing wall ball.

When I went off to college, we had two turf fields and some awesome brick walls. but it turns out professors don't want thud sounds of a lacrosse ball hitting their classroom wall every couple seconds and the nets were always locked up unless we were practicing. So there had to be some alternative. At the time, the only targets available were corner targets and they would notoriously rip after a few shots. That's when the idea for hanging targets were born for me.

It wasn't until a few years out of college and an engineering degree that I was able to actually make my targets a reality. I wanted to make something that would allow me to practice anywhere, anytime, and give me that satisfying sound that hitting the target provides. I didn't know then that I'd be building a sporting company around it, but here we are and I've never been so proud.

- Cody Wallace, Founder TIR Sports