8 Essential Items for Coaches to Improve Efficiency in Lacrosse Practice

8 Essential Items for Coaches to Improve Efficiency in Lacrosse Practice

Coaches need to be efficient with their practice time to ensure that their players are developing the necessary skills to compete at a high level. To help improve efficiency in lacrosse practice, coaches should consider bringing these 10 essential items.

Items for the Coach:


It might seem obvious, but many coaches show up to their first practice without one. A whistle is an essential tool for coaches to control the flow of practice and communicate with players. Coaches can use whistles to start and stop drills, signal changes in direction, and communicate with players on the field. A whistle is a simple tool that can have a big impact on the efficiency of practice sessions. Trust us - when you don't have your whistle, you'll feel like you're missing the keys to your car. Get a good dependable whistle and consider leaving it in your coaches bag or in your car.

First Aid Kit

Many schools require a First Aid Kit always be brought out, but if you're coaching a youth league they may not always mandate one at every practice. It's always a good idea to have a first aid kit on hand in case of injuries. Coaches should make sure they have the necessary supplies to treat minor injuries and be prepared to seek medical attention if necessary. A well-stocked first aid kit can help coaches manage injuries and ensure that players are safe and healthy during practice. Picking up a small but thoroughly packed First Aid Kit can allow you and your athletes the peace of mind that comes along with having one. I'd recommend packing this in your coaches bag or in your car.


Many first time coaches use their phones for stopwatches, and while that's an ok interim solution, it wont cut it during rain, cold or other inclement weather sessions. Coaches can use a stopwatch to time drills and scrimmages to ensure that they are getting the most out of their practice time. This helps keep practice sessions on schedule and ensures that players are getting enough time to practice all the necessary skills. Coaches can use a stopwatch to time drills and scrimmages to ensure that they are getting the most out of their practice time.

Video Camera

It might sound a little over the top but recording practice sessions can be a valuable tool for coaches to evaluate player performance and identify areas for improvement. Coaches can review the footage with players to provide feedback and make adjustments to their game. Video footage can also be used to help players visualize their performance and identify areas for improvement. An example of when this would be valuable would be a Goalie who's learning the basics of dropping onto the ball. Setup the camera and throw a few times, then review the footage with the goalie. It might seem unnecessary at time, but those few seconds you take to capture the video can provide key insights you wouldn't catch otherwise.

Items for the Practice:


Coaches should bring plenty of water to keep the team hydrated during practice. Most programs mandate a fresh full supply of water be available at practice and for good reason. Even if your area doesn't mandate water be supplied by the program, it's a good idea to get a big water cooler for practice. something like the Igloo 5 Gallon Water cooler can safely supply enough water for 2 or 3 back to back practices.

Goal Targets

Goal targets are small targets that can be attached to the corners of the goal to help players practice shooting accuracy. We suggest TIR Targets since they can be placed anywhere on the net or posts and help players focus their shots and build muscle memory. By aiming for specific spots on the goal, players can improve their shooting skills. Coaches can use goal targets to help players focus on their accuracy and improve their shot placement.

Lacrosse Balls

You'll want as many as you can reasonably carry and then some. Lacrosse balls are essential for practicing passing, catching, and shooting. Coaches should make sure they have enough balls for everyone on the team to practice effectively. Lacrosse balls are small and easy to transport, making them a convenient tool for coaches to bring to practice. We'd recommend a few buckets of balls for the season and make sure you do a ball hunt at the end of each practice.

Cones and Field Markers

Cones and field markers are versatile tools that coaches can use to set up drills, mark out boundaries on the field, and create different practice scenarios. They are especially useful for conditioning drills, agility work, and defensive drills. Coaches can use cones to create obstacles for players to navigate around, which helps develop their footwork and agility.

Agility Ladder

It might seem less useful after the first few practices, but try and integrate agility trainings regularly throughout the season. An agility ladder is a tool that helps players develop footwork and agility, which are important skills for lacrosse players. Ladders can be used for a variety of drills, such as speed and agility training, and footwork drills. Coaches can use an agility ladder to help players improve their footwork and agility, which can help them move more quickly and efficiently on the field.


Coaches can greatly improve the efficiency of their lacrosse practice sessions by bringing these 8 essential items. These tools help coaches create a well-rounded practice that focuses on developing the necessary skills for players to excel on the field. By utilizing these items, coaches can help their players achieve their full potential and enjoy the sport to its fullest. So, next time you head to practice, make sure to pack your bag with these essential items to help your team succeed!


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